45 research outputs found

    White Paper der Digital Humanities an der Universität Heidelberg

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    Die in Heidelberg bereits zahlreich vorhandenen Digital Humanities-Initiativen sind an der Universität über zahlreiche Disziplinen verstreut und oft kaum miteinander vernetzt. Am Excellenzcluster „Asia and Europe in a Global Context“ mit der „Heidelberg Research Architecture“ (HRA) und der „Junior Research Group Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage“(JRG DH/DCH) bestehen zwei DH-orientierte Abteilungen, die als Multiplikator für zahlreiche DH-Projekte in vielen weiteren Disziplinen dienen. So können die Aktivitäten der HRA und der JRG DH/DCH in weiten Teilen als Blaupausen für die Entwicklung und Anwendung von DH-Infrastrukturen in Forschung und Lehre in einem breit aufgestellten interdisziplinären Umfeld angesehen werden. Neben dem Erhalt und Ausbau der bewährten Strukturen scheint die Koordination eines verstärkten strukturierten Engagements zu digitalen Methoden in der Lehre der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften empfehlenswert, um die Konkurrenzfähigkeit zukünftiger Forschergenerationen in Bezug zu digitalen Schlüsselkompetenzen am Universitätsstandort Heidelberg zu gewährleisten. Daher wird vorgeschlagen an der Volluniversität Heidelberg eine zentrale Einrichtung für Digital Humanities strukturiert aufzubauen, die die gesamte Breite der „Digitalen Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften“ mit den Komponenten Forschung, Lehre und Infrastruktur/Services anhand heterogener Datenbestände (mit systematisch erschlossen Text, Bild, Ton, Video und Messdaten) möglichst gut abdeckt und somit strikt fachübergreifend positioniert ist, um eine hohe Akzeptanz in allen zusammenarbeitenden Disziplinen sicherzustellen

    Signale des Paläoklimas vom 7 Jh. BC bis 8 Jh. AD an der Oder durch eine Umfeldanalyse der Siedlungsbefunde im GIS

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    In the context of the present study, for the first time, a comprehensive and above all, a systematic environmental analysis of sites from the Early Iron Age to the Slavic Early Middle Ages was applied in the Oder region. A site catchment analysis of the topographical setting, the soil and broader parameters was conducted as a GIS examination, in which the spatial data information in a probable operating radius around the respective settlements of the individual periods was collected and evaluated statistically. In this way, statistically significant climate proxies on the relative humidity index and temperature pattern of the paleoclimate could be demonstrated. In addition, the deciding location factors of the soil and the geoecological environment of the settlement as well as distortionary anthropogenic and natural superimpositions were discussed. The ecological indicator values were rearranged into concise categories in a transformation process in consideration of their usability and informative value for matters concerning prehistoric, agronomically orientated cultures and checked for climate signals. In order to guarantee traceability and the ability to clearly document results, more complex, analytically descriptive, stochastic processes were dispensed with. Therefore, the identified climate signals do not represent absolute data, but rather indirect, relative data, which permit comparative statements concerning the previous and subsequent level. Finally, with the use of comparative climate research, palynology, dendrochronology, the status of glaciers, river levels and models for the calculation of the paleotemperature, the climate signals that were produced in the context of the GIS environmental analysis could be verified. In this way, the probability and conciseness of the environmental analysis developed here and its particularly detailed chronological value were substantiated. Subsequent geoarchaeological and cultural-historical results concerning settlement and the environmental conditions of the Oder region could be clarified

    Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktion und der Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf Migrationen der ersten 5 Jahrhunderte n.Chr. im inneren Barbaricum zwischen Spree und NeiĂźe

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    Im Rahmen einer Umfeldanalyse wurde die Lage der archäologischen Fundstellen der Römischen Kaiserzeit bis zur Völkerwanderungszeit in der Lausitz in Bezug zur Topografie, den Bodenformen und der Geomorphologie systematisch in einem standardisierten Verfahren analysiert. Die Methodik basiert auf einer vorhergehenden Untersuchung der eisenzeitlichen bis frühmittelalterlichen Fundstellen im Odergebiet (VOLKMANN 2013a und 2013c). So kann auch in der Lausitz eine sich deutlich verändernde Siedlungsplatzwahl im zeitlichen Verlauf erkannt werden. Aufgrund des recht unspezifischen Fundmaterials der Siedlungen der ersten fünf Jahrhunderte n.Chr. ist in der Lausitz nur allgemein zwischen älterer und jüngerer Römischen Kaiserzeit sowie Völkerwanderungszeit zu unterscheiden. In allen drei Zeitabschnitten liegen die Siedlungen zwar mehrheitlich in den feuchteren Niederungen, jedoch ist dies unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt: Die Fundstellen aus der älteren Römischen Kaiserzeit befanden sich noch ausschließlich in den Niederungen, wenn auch insgesamt nur sehr wenige Siedlungsbefunde aus dieser Zeit vorliegen. In der jüngeren Römischen Kaiserzeit lagen die Siedlungen teils weiterhin dort, aber darüber hinaus war ein kleiner Anteil auch in den Bereichen der höher liegenden Grundmoränen entstanden. Dahingegen sind die Siedlungen der Völkerwanderungszeit zur Hälfte in diesen Anhöhen angelegt worden. So zeigt sich, dass nicht nur für eine spezifische Fundstellenart (wie die der Siedlungen) ein typischer Standort gewählt wurde, der die bestmögliche Nutzung erlaubte, sondern dass die Ansprüche an das geoökologische Umfeld eines geeigneten Siedlungsplatzes sich im zeitlichen Verlauf deutlich ändern können. Dies wiederum kann in veränderlichen Wirtschaftsweisen oder aber auch Klimaänderungen begründet sein, unter denen beispielsweise ein zuvor noch ungeeigneter trockener Siedlungsplatz auf der höher liegenden Grundmoräne bei Zunahme der Niederschlagsrate an Attraktivität für die Siedler stark gewinnt

    Neues zur „Odergermanischen Gruppe“: Das innere Barbaricum an der unteren Oder im 5.–6. Jh. AD

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    In the early Migration Period (Period D), the climate worsened dramatically and weather became very cool and dry in the course of only a few decades. Very poor conditions for land cultivation and animal husbandry resulted from this, which withdrew their livelihood in many places from the Germanic groups engaged in subsistence agriculture. On this limited scale, this could be buffered by more intensive trade, like the piled material found on the site and documented by geomorphology on the aforementioned trade and transit routes Settlements in micro regional favoured areas with a guaranteed supply of water such as kettle lakes, for example, could continue to exist. Spatial analysis of settlements shows a strong shrinking of the settlement clusters to remaining areas in which agricultural activity was still possible. Thus, there is a great disparity of a juxtaposition of extremely unequal small scale economic potential, which led to the widespread disintegration of settlement clusters and the accompanying dismantling of settlements in the subsequent late Migration Period (Period E). Simultaneously, the areas of the extensive natural, potential forest communities that are not influenced by humans increased greatly, whereas in Period E only “islands of remnant settlements” still existed in the surrounding woodlands

    Archäologische Fundkartierung und Zeichnungs-Georeferenzierung mit QGIS

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    Anhand von zahlreichen detaillierten Screenshots und begleitendem Text wird der praktische Gebrauch von QGIS in Bezug zu folgenden Punkten erklärt: 1.) Einbindung von bereits bestehenden Fundstellen- „Datenbanken“ (Excel-Tabellen) in das GIS, wie sie in vielen Institutionen vorliegen, 2.) Fundstellenkartierung in gebräuchlichen, regionalen Koordinatensystemen, 3.) Einbindung von WMS-Diensten als Hintergrundkartierungen und 4.) Georeferenzierung von retrodigitalisierten Grabungsplänen

    Digital Humanities Strategies in Transcultural Studies

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    In this article the authors discuss the Digital Humanities strategies of Heidelberg University’s interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe”. It describes the structures, methods, workflows and tools that have been established in Transcultural Studies research to profit from Digital Humanities research. It introduces a schematic workflow of typical humanities research within the Cluster’s digital research environment developed by the Heidelberg Research Architecture (HRA). The authors discuss challenges and solutions on the way towards sustainable digital research and education in the field of Transcultural Studies

    “Digital mapping” - Detection and prospection through digital and physical landscapes at Koumasa, Crete

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    The aim of the project, “Digital mapping”, is a better understanding of the extent of the archaeological site of Koumasa located in Southern Crete. This was done in regards to determine areas of more or lesser relevance for the ongoing excavation campaigns, and allowing for more target specific excavations in response to specific archaeological research questions. The investigations carried out, have been focused on statistical prospection for systematic assessment of potential target areas of excavation, but also as a systematic investigation of landscape in order to define settlement extent, areas and structures of particular interest for the Minoan settlement, sanctuary, and graveyard. The “Digital mapping” project was part of the excavation campaign 2014 in Koumasa. The fixed time slot for the project was five days. The statistical prospection was carried out in three days, between the 25th and the 27th of September 2014. Statistical analysis and the digital mapping of the results were done in the remaining two days between the 29th and 30th of September in order to confirm and investigate details within the landscape. Further digital investigations were carried out as desk based investigations after the initial fieldwork. The desk based investigations has led to a new understanding of the plains surrounding the known archaeological remains of the Minoan settlement of Koumasa

    Crystallographic order and decomposition of [MnIII6CrIII]3+ single-molecule magnets deposited in submonolayers and monolayers on HOPG studied by means of molecular resolved Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy in UHV

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    Gryzia A, Volkmann T, Brechling A, et al. Crystallographic order and decomposition of [MnIII6CrIII]3+ single-molecule magnets deposited in submonolayers and monolayers on HOPG studied by means of molecular resolved Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy in UHV. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2014;9(1): 60.Monolayers and submonolayers of [MnIII6CrIII]3+ single-molecule magnets (SMMs) adsorbed on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) using the droplet technique characterized by non-contact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM) as well as by Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) show island-like structures with heights resembling the height of the molecule. Furthermore, islands were found which revealed ordered 1D as well as 2D structures with periods close to the width of the SMMs. Along this, islands which show half the heights of intact SMMs were observed which are evidences for a decomposing process of the molecules during the preparation. Finally, models for the structure of the ordered SMM adsorbates are proposed to explain the observations

    heiMAP – Virtual Research Environment for collaborative spatio-temporal research in the Humanities

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    heiMAP is a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for research in the Humanities that facilitates collaborative work in spatio-temporal contexts. The differentiating characteristic of heiMAP is its holistic approach, representing the entire scientific data lifecycle. This includes the generation of, as well as discourse about, spatio-temporal data, their publication, archiving and sustainable reuse. The VRE consists of an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) that handles data and research projects, and an integrated Web Geographic Information Systems (GIS) application used to contextualize vector and raster data, especially maps. By sticking to international standards (OGC, CIDOC CRM among others), we strive for a maximum of data interoperability and reusability of the data produced within heiMAP. Close cooperation with the Heidelberg University Library and Heidelberg Computing Center allows for the publication, referenced by a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), as well as the long-term archiving of individual research projects and their related outcomes. One major challenge in building an environment for collaborative research is to ensure that users retain control over their data where necessary but are also enabled to share it with others when they wish to. Therefore, heiMAP possesses a sophisticated system for user and rights management as well as fine-grained control of user rights based on the CMS. To allow a broad range of users from different parts of the Humanities (including both University and Citizen Science projects) with varying degrees of expertise in spatial research and GIS, to effectively use heiMAP, the platform focuses on a number of core functions while allowing export of research data into more sophisticated desktop-based GIS programs when necessary